Our mission is to provide the power to our member-owners to enhance their quality of life.
Whitewater Valley Rural Electric Membership Corporation is a not-for-profit utility distributing electricity to nearly 12,000 meters across its six-county service area in east-central Indiana. Located in Liberty, Ind., the cooperative employs 27 people.
An active member of the community, Whitewater Valley REMC and its employees support the area through a variety of scholarships, financial contributions, in-kind donations, volunteerism, and other programs.
The cooperative serves parts of Dearborn, Fayette, Franklin, Randolph, Union, and Wayne counties.
Whitewater Valley REMC is a distribution co-op — we do not generate our own electricity. Hoosier Energy, based in Bloomington, is our electric cooperative’s power supplier, along with 18 other southern Indiana and Illinois electric distribution cooperatives. It delivers energy over a high-voltage transmission network.